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Tag Archives: poetic forms
The Lineage of Fog
Grasping our nothing we try sharing everything; we are all alone. Wholeness disguises itself in the mirror’s reflection. We hold our nothing like a vast, sacred treasure; our fingers give out. Beyond the edge of owning, true experience begins. 22 … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged connection, daily poems, emptiness, haiku, Japanese verse forms, poetic forms, waka
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Imagine What
Imagine what the world looks like right now: a mass illusion wrapped up in a dream. There are no other lands or hidden gods, nor unconnected causes or effects. What would you change or wish you could improve, in just … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, awareness, daily poems, illusion, poetic forms, power, sonnet
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When You Want
When you want to learn don’t start with what you don’t know; examine yourself. Remember, your ignorance begins at the beginning. When you want to grow don’t start seeking the sunshine. Connect to the ground. Until your roots are dirty, … Continue reading
So Many Words
So many words for such a thing so smallit barely leaves a ripple at the shore,and all its no-so-grand comings and goingsare little noticed after, or before. So brief an episode is this thing life:a moment’s breath in an eternal … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged breath, emptiness, iambic pentameter, impermanence, life, poetic forms, sonnet
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Without a Trace
Without gratitude to season today’s living, the soup of being has little or no flavor. Who would eat such a bland dish? Without noticing the beauty of this moment, a colorless world clothes our life in only gray. Who would … Continue reading
There is no trying: Either you are a Buddha or you are not One. Once past duality there is no more “in training”; linear time ends, and everything is connected as Everything. There is nothing else. Just you and the … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged daily poems, haiku, Japanese forms, poetic forms, practice, reality, realization, samadhi, satori, waka
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The Shadow
Does the Shadow know what evil lurks in our hearts, how deep our vileness? To plumb to our bitter core takes piercing light, not darkness. Besides, evil grows in our mind, our thoughts of self; not in the heart’s realm. … Continue reading