Tag Archives: haiku


There is no trying: Either you are a Buddha or you are not One. Once past duality there is no more “in training”; linear time ends, and everything is connected as Everything. There is nothing else. Just you and the … Continue reading

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Be Here Now, Or Don’t Be

Think about this, now:being here right here, there is nobeing somewhere else.What you “want” doesn’t matter; wish in one hand, as they say. If you choose elsewhereas the place where you must be,you’re not here at all.And where does that … Continue reading

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Breathing in and outIsn’t just for the cushion;It’s the entire thing.If you practice just sitting,This moment is everywhere. Try to stop breathing, And your attention can’t last;You are mind and body.Pretending at something elseRequires a lot of thinking. Everything you … Continue reading

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Well then there now…

What’s happening now is all there is of what’s left in your warranty. If this was your life’s last act, how would you be remembered? Don’t put anything off; put all of your energy into everything. You only have this … Continue reading

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Becoming A

Have you ever seensomeone become, in this life,a bodhisattva – I mean, who wasn’t one yetwhen they started on their way? If you can becomea thing you’re not already,how is that trick done? Not through potential or work –that gets … Continue reading

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The Same Breath

So many choices in a moment’s tiny span; is it destiny? No matter your direction, the path will stay beneath you. The door is open. You stand at a great threshold; which way do you move? There is just air … Continue reading

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A Drop in the Bucket

His Holiness came to visit the Big Easy: a mixed race culture. He spoke to thousands: they lined up for hours to hear his message of peace. His smiling face shone on all those who assembled; what great energy! Practice … Continue reading

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