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- Just Go AwayDoctor, I am feeling ill; I’ve eaten all my young, touring the coast of Africa, going through the longboats with a fine-tooth comb. I’m a …
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Tag Archives: awareness
Nothing to Say
Social media is an infectious disease, spread by word of mouth. We pretend we have something worth saying out loud each day. Who cares how diligently we reshare or like? We like to think we improve silence, but no one … Continue reading
Imagine What
Imagine what the world looks like right now: a mass illusion wrapped up in a dream. There are no other lands or hidden gods, nor unconnected causes or effects. What would you change or wish you could improve, in just … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, awareness, daily poems, illusion, poetic forms, power, sonnet
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Without a Trace
Without gratitude to season today’s living, the soup of being has little or no flavor. Who would eat such a bland dish? Without noticing the beauty of this moment, a colorless world clothes our life in only gray. Who would … Continue reading
Be Here Now, Or Don’t Be
Think about this, now:being here right here, there is nobeing somewhere else.What you “want” doesn’t matter; wish in one hand, as they say. If you choose elsewhereas the place where you must be,you’re not here at all.And where does that … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged awareness, haiku, nonduality, poetic forms, presence, time, waka
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Becoming A
Have you ever seensomeone become, in this life,a bodhisattva – I mean, who wasn’t one yetwhen they started on their way? If you can becomea thing you’re not already,how is that trick done? Not through potential or work –that gets … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged awareness, bodhisattva, daily forms, enlightenment, growth, haiku, potential, The Parable of the Plants, waka
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The Same Breath
So many choices in a moment’s tiny span; is it destiny? No matter your direction, the path will stay beneath you. The door is open. You stand at a great threshold; which way do you move? There is just air … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged awareness, breath, choices, destiny, haiku, poetic forms, waka
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The Presence of Today
We either seek to view the world today through some past generation’s worn and tired lens, or try to filter what is past and gone with some new, modern sensibility. In either case, the picture loses sense; we only see … Continue reading