
Who is it that wants to know? And what?

Since being born in Royal Oak, MI in 1965, I’ve been asking those questions. Still don’t have a definitive answer. What you are right here, right now, is not the same as you were five or ten minutes ago, let alone a lifetime away in a different space, place, or circumstance. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Buddhism it’s this triad:

  • All things must pass, nothing is forever.
  • Nothing comes of itself; we are all connected. We all have causes, we all are effects.
  • Wishing or thinking things unconditioned or permanent causes suffering.

What’s in a label?

Maybe something. Maybe nothing. Maybe there’s really no difference:

Human being, American, male, son, brother, husband, stepfather, grandfather (“Papa”).

Singer, musician, writer, poet, programmer, project manager, systems analyst, problem-solver, healthcare worker, security and privacy specialist.

Buddhist, Druid, pagan, iconoclast, non-dualist, liberal, Democrat, free thinker, humanist, cultural creative, Generation X.


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