Tag Archives: choices

The Same Breath

So many choices in a moment’s tiny span; is it destiny? No matter your direction, the path will stay beneath you. The door is open. You stand at a great threshold; which way do you move? There is just air … Continue reading

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Causes Worth Fighting: Petrarchan sonnet

We each must choose the causes worth our fighting from a great myriad of pointless quests designed to breed confusion in our breasts and keep the fuse inside us from igniting. The frivolous is made to seem exciting; it titillates … Continue reading

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Shape the Now: cyrch a chwta

It’s yesterday we cling to, that we prefer to what’s new, choosing safety, not what’s true: life goes on, us with it too. It has no rules; memories do, and don’t shift the world and skew the facts used to … Continue reading

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The Wrong Side

We all want to be the victor, to believe that right is always on our side; and to those who would oppose us, any kind of sympathy we would deny. Keeping score, mind on the numbers, so we never lose … Continue reading

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Life is What You Make It

When I was a kid, I had a record (yeah, a plastic disk that spun around and was activated by an actual needle, producing sound waves that were amplified as electric signals through hot glass tubes and pushed out into … Continue reading

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That Subtlety Escapes Me

Philosophically, I’ve walked the wrong side of the tracks for quite some time; and in a chasm that’s grown bigger I have passed ridiculous into sublime. But the fundamental differences between us haven’t really crossed my mind: you on one … Continue reading

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A Different Path

Sometimes, I wonder: if I’d walked a different path, the one, like Frost’s, well-traveled and defined, perhaps more suited to my demograph but nonetheless a road that I declined, and put my energy into some goal, a measure pleasing to … Continue reading

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