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Tag Archives: sonnet
Imagine What
Imagine what the world looks like right now: a mass illusion wrapped up in a dream. There are no other lands or hidden gods, nor unconnected causes or effects. What would you change or wish you could improve, in just … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, awareness, daily poems, illusion, poetic forms, power, sonnet
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So Many Words
So many words for such a thing so smallit barely leaves a ripple at the shore,and all its no-so-grand comings and goingsare little noticed after, or before. So brief an episode is this thing life:a moment’s breath in an eternal … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged breath, emptiness, iambic pentameter, impermanence, life, poetic forms, sonnet
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More Pretend
You choose a place and time to take a stand, although you realize, to some degreethat at the moment you first make said plan,it’s already missed opportunity. You take a breath and calculate the costwith all the tools at hand, … Continue reading
With what great faculty would you describea something that is nothing in itself – an emptiness that does not rise or fall,but is and isn’t, both, at the same time, and lights, but doesn’t land, adrift in time(which is not … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged emptiness, heart sutra, knowledge, poetic forms, sonnet, wisdom, Zen
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The Undertone: terza rima
Underneath the skin, a single notion supports how life unfolds from start to end. Beneath the bustle of the world’s commotion, it floats in just a whisper on the wind. In quiet moments, it can be detected, first here, then … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, music, overtone, poetic forms, relief, silence, sonnet, sound, terza rima
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The Notion of Privacy: Spenserian sonnet
A private notion turns to public act when it is witnessed by someone outside your circle; once unloosed, it won’t come back. These days, it quickly wends its way world-wide. Your signal will of course be amplified; within a moment’s … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, celebrity, consequence, Edmund Spenser, free speech, poetic forms, privacy, public life, sonnet, Spenserian sonnet
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Eclipse: Shakespearean (English) sonnet
There is no time to lose, soothsayers tell us; Make hay! The sun will shine just for a while, and once it’s gone, the world will turn to rust, deprived of motive power, warmth, and style. All things depend on … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, apocalypse, English sonnet, life, light, poetic forms, power, Shakespearean sonnet, sonnet, sunlight
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