Being American

So, I’m un-American?
Maybe it’s true.
I’m un-American,
how about you?

I believe in progress,
and free speech, too;
In equal rights
for strangers – you?

I will not support war
red, white or blue –
but will defend my home
against untruth.

I believe in justice
delivered upon proof;
and I consider friends
those who share my roof.

I will not be silent
in the face of might;
but will stand for freedom
and seek what’s right.

I believe in honesty,
and trust not words –
action without thought
I find absurd.

I will not vote your way
just because you’re strong;
nor will I fund your
cause, if wrong.

I believe in freedom,
and equal rights –
for the one who protests,
and the one who fights.

I will not stand down
or in silence, wait,
while your war agenda
decides our fate.

I’m un-American?
Maybe that’s true.
But I see America
much different than you.

I’m un-American?
How can that be true?
If I’m un-American,
Then so are you.

14 FEB 2003

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| February 14th, 2003 | Posted in Poems, Statements |

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