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- NonsenseAgain, perhaps if there were but a way, ‘tho as it is maybe it’s just as well: for when your tongue is tripped with come …
- Add Chris Rock to the List of My GenerationIn my last few posts, I was lamenting the fact that my generation seems to be missing writer voices. Well, I just picked up Rolling …
- The WheelSome men stand tall, some men feel Some men show signs, some conceal Train is rolling, iron and steel Steam that blows the whistle never …
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Tag Archives: activism
Go Ask Alice
Do without doing, make something from nothing; recycle, repurpose, revise on and conquer. Gather resources, interpret instructions; imagine assembly as other-directed. Practice inclusion, leave nothing untended; let symmetry guide you off-balance at times. Do, or do not do, remake while … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged action, activism, Alice Guffey Miller, art, awareness, consciousness, summer solstice
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You Could Change: tanka
You could change the world if just given half a chance; why are you waiting? It really doesn’t matter once the moment’s gone away. You could move mountains if just sincerely inspired; what more do you need? It doesn’t really … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged action, activism, change, conviction, Japanese verse forms, NaPoWriMo, poetic forms, rhetoric, tanka
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I do not wish to change the world
I do not wish to change the world; its own design is near enough some muddled state of constant flux that nothing I could add or try would make much difference in the end. I do not wish to shape … Continue reading
Crime and Punishment
I would admit a lesser crime if only it were worth my while; but in these days when wish makes fact the simple notoriety of having lived will sentence me. There is no justice in the world when thought alone … Continue reading
Mailing List
Remove me from your mailing list: that one that keeps me well-informed of all the wrongs done in the world; I either should already know these things, if I would give a damn, and having lived quite long enough in … Continue reading