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- A Single Blink: trioletA moment’s span is very little time; a single blink and half of it is gone. Not long enough to make ambition’s climb, a moment’s …
- Seed Thought on Different ReligionsOne should not honour only one’s own religion and condemn the religions of others, but one should honour others’ religions for this or that reason. …
- Communication for a New AgeThis is primarily an intro to several chains-of-thought that make up the bigger picture. They probably will not be chained together in this way once …
- A Single Blink: triolet
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Tag Archives: America
Wake Up America (from Otherhood)
You’ve got to wake up, America, and face the facts Your roads are built on broken backs And there’s no way that you can track The hypocrisy that against you stacks There are storm clouds in those spacious skies Of … Continue reading
There is no need to stop the clocks, nor try to dim the constant noise; let those who listen, soldier on, despite the sonic din’s abuse. There are no hidden codes to find, nor secret doors along the wall; let … Continue reading
America is Still: an erasure exercise
America, as Whitman wrote, is fading low; her heartbeat, a sour note. Her voice blows sadness, and one can hear her weep. Her voice resonates inside the bones, reminding of truth, your own. Her war machines bustle songs of might. … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged America, democracy, envelope sonnet, erasure, interpretation, NaPoWriMo, poetic exercises, prophecy, Walt Whitman
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The Failure of American Public Schools
The failure of the American public school system is that while we have emphasized the importance of those skills that “get things done” or that provide our children with the technological tool set to “compete” on a global scale, we … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations
Tagged America, art, children, curriculum, education, music, music education, schools, teaching
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Stale Yellow
This morning my country’s on orange alert; or maybe stale yellow, if you feel perverse: the color of bullies, who’re cowards, in fact, who put down in others convictions they lack. The war is on terror, they’ll loudly proclaim; but … Continue reading
Posted in Songs
Tagged alerts, America, freedom, Homeland Security, politics, terrorism, war, warnings
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If Not the Heartland
Just a random question … If you’re not living in the “Heartland,” what body part exactly is your home located in? Does that part have no “heart”? Does the “Heartland” have no brain, hands, feet, stomach, mouth, genitals? Or is … Continue reading