Nostalgic Ramblings …

What is a rebel? A man who says no, but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion. A slave who has taken orders all his life suddenly decides that he cannot obey some new command. What does he mean by saying “no”? — Albert Camus, The Rebel

Spent an interesting afternoon browsing the CD bins looking for old punk records. Found a few, old and new: The Clash (The Clash UK version), Public Image Ltd. (The Flowers of Romance) and Killing Joke (Killing Joke 2003). Passed on The Damned, Bauhaus, Gang of Four, The Buzzcocks, X, The Ramones, oh the list goes on.

But it got me thinking about those days, lo these many moons ago, when I was a bass player and singer toying on the fringes of punk and goth. First off, I was classically and otherwise trained as a Musician. That put me in a different place than most punks, who were at best self-taught. Second, my childhood in Ohio and subsequent life in California (complete with choir, band and private Music lessons) exposed me to a much wider range of Music than most “punks” and “goths” that I knew. So to start with, the genre was limiting in terms of what was “acceptable” Music for punks to even play. And then there’s the issue of rebellion. Sure, I was in a death match with my parents, the establishment, institutions of all kinds, the government and life in general. So what was I rebelling against? The bourgeoise notions that surrounded me in the suburbs? I had a voice, and could use it as I chose. I wasn’t being oppressed except by my own preconceived notions of reality. And what notions, grand and overblown, they were.
Part of being a “rock star” is never growing up. Never changing your stand against “the man”. But doesn’t everyone change? Doesn’t the world, spinning on and on, circling the sun year after year, change constantly? What do you give up to “sell out”, anyway? Some false pretense that you are more than an infinitesmal speck of dust in the great desert that is civilization, that itself is a square inch of a nation-state on a much larger globe, which is unseen when the universe is looked at as a whole. The idea that what you are saying has never been said before, or better, despite the fact that your intellect gladly will differ on that score.

So there it is. The short version of why I am not a practicing Musician. Or something like that.

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Homeschooling, Part 2

Before you take your child’s education into your own hands
think about what you are qualified to teach,
and what formal education rarely provides textbooks on:

tolerance of the intolerant
equality before the law
appreciation for the little things
rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s
listening to both sides
the importance of being earnest
how easily trust is broken
the value of a dollar
making up your own mind
following your bliss
aging and death as a natural part of life
seeking your own level
standing up for what is right
looking out for the little guy
that the real world is not me-o-centric
the intrinsic value of human life
the intrinsic value of all life
truth is a pathless land
just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should
being sorry for doing a bad thing, not just for getting caught
figuring out where you’re headed before deciding who should go with you
one voice, one vote
every spiritual path has at least one grain of truth in it
a beach is made of millions of grains of sand
money really doesn’t buy happiness
want what you have is better than have what you want
nobody lives your life but you
finger-pointing and name-calling never fix anything
symptoms come from causes
you are responsible for everything you do
nobody gets something for nothing
even free love has a price most people are unwilling to pay
people die
people have sex
people steal, cheat, lie, pander, manipulate and coerce
people don’t have to do those things
sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
a smile takes less muscles than a frown
life is what you make it
revolution starts within
you choose your life, your battles, your goals, your enemies
a calm sea produces no great mariners
there really is not an easy way
you can’t hate for peace
every person matters
the ends never justify the means
you might even get in reading, writing and some math and science.

19 AUG 2003

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Homeschooling, Part 1

Every young child is home schooled.

You are teaching your children something:
watching TV reality, escaping in drink,
cheating on your taxes, refusing to think for yourself,
letting the little things get you down,
not leaving a tip for a good waiter,
tearing up a parking ticket,
forgetting to vote because the weather is bad,
paying more for entertainment than education,
using a false address to get them in a better school,
not saying thank you for small favors,
cooking only with the microwave,
looking for love in all the wrong places,
never reading a book unless you have to,
replacing things before they wear out,
keeping up with the Joneses,
dressing to impress,
keeping a sweet thing on the side,
breaking the speed limit,
holding grudges,
looking for somebody else to do the dirty work,
not saying a word against the war,
taking somebody else’s word as the gospel truth,
putting your personal gain above the common good,
talking trash about your neighbors,
turning right on red when the sign says not to,
building stronger walls instead of bridges,
listening to music that offers no solutions,
poisoning the earth,
not forgiving those who’ve done you wrong,
letting someone else do your lawn,
perpetuating stereotypes,
trying to get something for nothing,
not taking personal responsibility for your actions,
letting someone else take the heat,
jumping off that bridge ’cause somebody else did it,
blaming the government
for a poor education.

19 AUG 2003

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I was thinking this evening about Starlight Dances and Mars Tokyo – the latter’s empty nest and the former’s soon to be emptying one. I wrote this poem for them, and all the other parents on my friends list.

She used to turn to wave
a few steps from the car;
and when the journey off
lasted more than a day,
I’d get a short phone call
when it was time to turn
off the lights and say ‘nite.

But now, her turns take more
time; and often, she fails
to blow a last kiss back
as her beau’s car rolls them
off. This month, she makes one
more turn, her sense of self
spinning larger circles
beyond the range of my
door; as she grows each day,
turning heads when she smiles
(that bright smile that used to
melt just my fragile heart)
I feel her turn away:
she turns eighteen so soon.

14 AUG 2003

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Suggestion for Philip Morris

I have been a smoker for a long time. You know, I’ve been watching these Philip Morris legislation required commercials advocating parental communication as the method for preventing children from smoking…and I’ve been thinking…while it is necessary for parents to communicate with their children, their words mean very little in comparison to their actions.

So here’s my idea for the new Philip Morris ad:

if you want your children to be non-smokers
don’t just talk about it.

Quit smoking.

As long as we’re in business
you’re wasting your breath.

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Raising a Teenage Daughter

Get used to it – you will never be right.
She will find, no matter how you try,
some notion of yours to quickly defy
and will long to be out of your keen sight.

You must learn the fine art of compromise
(and dread her acting like Veruca Salt
when she lacks and finds you to be at fault)
and though her taste in friends you criticize,

bite your tongue and simply stand there and smile.
One day she will marvel at your good sense,
and wonder how you got to be so cool.

Until then, and it may seem a long while,
she will trust only her experience.
Be patient while she learns at that school.

08 MAR 2003

for LJ user stormispirit

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Of all the big mistakes my parents made
in their own lives, and then subsequently
tried to steer me clear of, most pale and fade
next to the whopper that evidently

(at least now in my own experience)
is impossible to caution wild youth
against: not that one must have tolerance
and look for the many strange faces of truth,

but that childhood goes by so very fast.
There are many options from which to choose,
and each step in one direction negates
other possibilities. How the grass
that seems so green can soon become old news
once you deny a myriad of fates!

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