Dreams from California

for Tasha

talking about america growing old while we watched:
between lying and sleeping
(during which thrown about like helpless pillows
we wrestled our thoughts about each other
and pinned them to words)
in the ashtray the ghosts of our lips
met between us.

talking about america going out but not being seen:
between sighing and stretching
(during which lain around like breathless corpses
we whispered our thoughts about each other
and hid them in words)
in the darkness the tongue of a kitten
shared us.

talking about america burning up while we thought:
between sharing and painting
(during which pushed against like restless fear
we sought our thoughts about each other
and wasted them in words)
in the shadows the smoke from our lungs

talking about america losing time while we watched:
between smiling and laughing
(during which crawled about like searching beacons
we held our thoughts about each other
and formed them in words)
in the doorway the rest of the morning
separated us.

talking about america feeling lost while we looked:
between drinking and eating
(during which crept about like sleepless soldiers
we created our thoughts about each other
and pressed them in words)
in the kitchen I warned you we were
writing a poem.


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| August 14th, 2003 | Posted in Poems |

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