Smoke and Mirror: poulter’s measure

The world of late is full of crashing sound and blurry vision,
a thunder crash inside a cloud – lost in indecision.

Some claim that sunshine lurks around the corner, only waiting
for those who dare beyond the haze, past the senseless hating

of those who in the darkness loudly curse the coming daylight
that strips away the fog’s disguise; the night conceals their blight.

To be afraid just draws the darkness inward, more and nearer;
thus hate intensifies and grows – in that distorted mirror

your sense of what should be and how things are is set askew.
You must resist the ease of it. It seems, but isn’t, you.

Some say the world is what you wish to make it: good or bad,
a nightmare or fantastic dream; if so, then why so sad?

Step out into the light and choose a path beyond the din.
Who knows what you will find out there? A new way to begin?

12 APR 2017

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An Anchor of Alexandrine

The moments of each day are quickly past,
and are not found again once spent and gone.
Still, life is spent in search of things that last:
a founding stone to build one’s world upon.

Each soul creates this anchorage alone,
from metals mined in dark and feral dreams;
and casts it on the forge of flesh and bone
to withstand stormy seas as well as streams
and while we sleep, to give ourselves a home.

25 JAN 2004

alexandrine couplets

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