Breaking Silence

It takes but a moment of deliberate breath,
a fleeting few seconds of intentional movement,
and the fragile cocoon of this world is shattered,
its tiny fragments of coherency thrown out

into a wild, mad self-righteous cacophony
of filled-in spaces that constant, reverberates
right through the still marrow of your inner being,
wretching the blissful absence of sound from your ears,

taking your carefully balanced sense of feeling
and leaving in its place, a dulling void of noise.
In that small space of time before the roar begins,
before the crystallized shards of the absolute

are pulverized by the onslaught of a whisper,
as you watch, mesmerized by your soft exhaling
(not meaning to unleash its harsh, destructive force
but still fascinated by the devastation),

if you focus on the fraction of an instant
as the entire process of creation is stopped
and the wheel is set again in new commotion,
you can hear the hidden voice of the universe.

01 MAR 2003

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