
Polar Extremes

To say that the pendulum swings too far,
and spends too much time stalled at either end
(having somehow got stuck, its bearings fouled),
leaving great holes of time where reality

is distorted, and the continuum
of the necessary and the sublime
seems to be warped and far out of balance,
hanging at the frayed end of a tensed line,

is putting too fine a point on the thing.
In those vast stretches of space when the weight
passes (so rapidly) from black to white
it is that the grey escapes one’s notice.

While in that seeming free fall, gravity
does not exist. And then it bounces back.

29 JAN 2003

One of my favorite Robert Service poems describes perfectly the state of ADD. It’s called The Men That Don’t Fit In. After reading the bio of one of my new friends, Live Journal user ohsister, who stated that the word bi-polar was too limiting, I thought I’d write a poem that speaks to some of the issues for those of us who are manic-depressive, bi-polar or otherwise challenged by the presence of both sides of the Tao while sometimes losing sight of the whole…

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Random Thought for the Day

I believe that the disappearance of the true Left Wing in the United States of America can be dated accurately to the first time that Colonel Harlan Sanders thought to split the chicken into three breasts, making smaller portions, more servings sold, and effectively decimating the distinction between Fascism and Communism. Although first introduced in 1939, Kentucky Fried Chicken did not begin its campaign of ideological subterfuge until approximately six years later – thus timing the elimination of the Left Wing (and its political effectiveness, despite the subsequent “Red Scare”) with the rise of our World War II ally, Joseph Stalin – a prime example of Right Wing consciousness.

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There are still some strange people in this world
who demonstrate compassion for others,
based not on a need for recognition
or because some reward has been promised;

An act of compassion is not a task
completed to meet some kindness quota,
it is understanding another’s pain
and lessening it some by sharing it.

How can a selfless act, worth more than coin
be encouraged by an act of Congress
or a pay scale for rewarding good deeds?

A faith-based program must be its own end:
belief that doing the right thing is right;
else it is not faith-based, it is a job.

29 JAN 2003

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