
Happy Birthday to Starlight Dances!

Things to do today:

Take Star out to dinner and thoroughly break our diet 🙂
Call Star’s mom and give her congratulations on having given birth to Star 🙂
Do all the dishes, laundry and even clean the bathroom and fold the towels 🙂
Be on my best behavior, as much as possible ;>
Oh let us not forget the spanking … he he he > ;P

for Starlight Dances

Sometimes it seems like the whole world conspires
against the enjoyment of simple things –
like the blend of colors in a warm fire’s
flame, or the smile that a warm morning brings

after a long week of bitter hard freeze.
True too, the long days and months of life
can seem like so much flutter in the breeze,
with stretches of time that hold only strife

and reminders of past glories and deeds.
But right now, we celebrate arrival
of a new incarnation, a true gift:

your spirit, a beautiful bloom that needs
only recognition for survival,
and if not born today, would have been missed.

25 JAN 2003

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| January 25th, 2003 | Posted in Poems |

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