

They say you never know until you try,
that risking failure is the way to win;
well, I have failed a great number of things –
and I am sure that I’ll do so again.

I cannot tune a car, or sweep a floor
(at least so that it gets approved as clean);
mechanical things are beyond my grasp,
and dancing? I will never manage that.

If there is something fragile in the room,
the risk is high that it and I will crash;
there’s no chance that I’ll ever move with grace.
But I keep trying, and at certain things

I can at least pretend I have some skill.
There are always poems and silly songs.

16 JAN 2003

for Starlight Dances

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Literal Interpretation

To be or not to be, that is the question:
and if we are to be regarded seriously,
as humans, placed upon this earth to live
according to our stated frame of mind,

it surely makes no sense to place our trust
in a universe that we do not believe;
imagining a fantasy that shapes our whims,
without acting as if it was reality.

In other words, to say “magic exists,
but not enough to really affect change,”
to offer prayers to deities and saints,
but not believe they hear or answer back,

seems to show a certain lack of faith;
it’s more an admission of absurdity.
Some things must be taken literally,
or there’s not much point in taking them at all.

16 JAN 2003

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