Tag Archives: failure

Such a World: rondel

What sense can you make of such a world where kindness and consideration fail, and ignorance, its angry, hard fist curled, destroys all to build more graveyards and jails? When hatred’s flag has been proudly unfurled, has culture’s last ship … Continue reading

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Deep End Abilities

You coughed, turned your head, said are my eyes still red? Some mornings I just can’t get out of bed; feels like I’m sleeping with the dead. You laughed, rolled your eyes, then you cried about the suicide. Some mornings … Continue reading

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Foolish Notions

for Bob Dylan Youth’s rebellions dissipate; brave destiny succumbs to fate. One morning you find it’s too late to join the revolution. One’s high ideals sink in the mud; mountain retreats recede in flood. The fire that once burned in … Continue reading

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Everybody Wants to Change the World …

but (and there’s always a BUT – depending on whose diatribe you’re reading at the time, it might be [and I’m making these up as absurd examples, they’re not real quotes]) … nobody wants to change their underwear. nobody wants … Continue reading

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Almost Famous

To be respected by your family, those you like and know, is often not enough acclaim to satisfy; and so we seek to become famous in this lifetime or the next, a bigger fish than all the rest and so … Continue reading

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This Song

You won’t ever hear this song It won’t be finished ’til you’re long gone and you never liked country radio. It doesn’t matter, then, I guess, if what I say is more or less an echo of unspoken “told you … Continue reading

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The Wheels of Progress

When ground to standstill, mired, besmirched, their cog-end mesh begun to rust, the wheels of progress can but lurch. Their motion barely moves the dust; and each gear’s inch assaults the ear with tortured squeaks and sudden stalls. Behind all … Continue reading

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