Tag Archives: spirituality

Divine Intervention: Blessing or Curse

For a while, it is comforting to think everything happens for a reason. But honestly, MOST people who lay that on as a platitude mean that it applies when bad things happen to YOU. Just like so many go around … Continue reading

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Water seeks its own level

Water seeks its own level, on a quest to find the sea; The answers we seek taste of metal, our understanding like liquid drawn from a well that finds the hard edges of knowing, the galvanized pail holding the essence … Continue reading

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What’s the Point?

What’s the point? I want to ask the Mormons on their bikes, who leave their own nice neighborhoods to share the view they like that they are sure contains the answers to what’s wrong with us, and don’t mind spending … Continue reading

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In English, it sounds just the same: a senseless string of words embued with some sense of mystique used to convince and tame you; to teach you follow and not lead; that first impulse is evil. If what you seek … Continue reading

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But It Ain’t

If this were a Christian country by Jehovah’s rules, there’d be much more compassion and glad suffering of fools, less hands out full of gimme with mouths full of much obliged, no clear advantage to the rich, less chance of … Continue reading

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A Sense of Place

Six years, the longest I have ever been in one spot without moving out and on, and still this place does not possess my bones the way it would if I had come of age, or taken my first steps, … Continue reading

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Art of the Midwest

I understand the Midwest: there is no substitute for work, labor being the sacred art that transcends even grief. What is madness, but belief that toil will not resolve conflict, and an aversion to the sweat through which the Holy … Continue reading

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