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- Intimations of IdiocyFrom early childhood until now I’ve spent my life immersed in earnest pantomime of games adults will feign to play: the forging of relationships through …
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Tag Archives: power
Imagine What
Imagine what the world looks like right now: a mass illusion wrapped up in a dream. There are no other lands or hidden gods, nor unconnected causes or effects. What would you change or wish you could improve, in just … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, awareness, daily poems, illusion, poetic forms, power, sonnet
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Eclipse: Shakespearean (English) sonnet
There is no time to lose, soothsayers tell us; Make hay! The sun will shine just for a while, and once it’s gone, the world will turn to rust, deprived of motive power, warmth, and style. All things depend on … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, apocalypse, English sonnet, life, light, poetic forms, power, Shakespearean sonnet, sonnet, sunlight
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What Good is That: rime royal
What is the Truth, that we spend all our days, from birth to death, imagining so fair that we invent, seek to avoid or praise some vain ideal constructed from thin air, that as illusion is beyond compare; it casts … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, decision, Geoffrey Chaucer, illusion, poetic verse forms, power, rime royal, truth
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If Privacy is Power
If privacy is power, then our public-facing selves are palimpsests of who we are; and that which we pretend to be (that hides our truest form) has more in common with a mist than blood, muscle or bone. If privacy … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged mob mentality, power, privacy, public exposure, sharing, silence, social media
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Single digit blues
I hope that I shall never see the poor in our democracy convinced to vote Republican believing they’ll become the one percent. I hope, but feel, alas, that both the elephant and ass are run by callous millionaires who each … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged bipartisanism, delusion, democracy, illusion, politics, poverty, power
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