Tag Archives: karma

New myths are required

There’s just so much that you can take as karmic payment for mistakes before you start to wonder and imagine that you understand the link from cause to each effect: that every action or neglect results in a changed universe … Continue reading

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Folly’s Promenade

What folly perpetrated in my youth, before thoughts of mortality began to permeate my eager thirst for truth and close the width of my attention span, has wrought its retribution over time and haunts me on occasion? What old song … Continue reading

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Friday the Thirteenth

Are you afraid the universe might some be conspiring, that the unseen, neglected soul of the whole world is tiring of folks whose hands say gimme while their mouths say much obliged, all the while with backs too stiff to … Continue reading

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The Butterfly Effect

Among the movies recommended by my daughter for weekend and early week viewing: Napoleon Dynamite and The Butterfly Effect. About ND, I will say this: my daughter thought it was highly amusing. But then again, the beautiful and popular people … Continue reading

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The Food (for Thought) of the Gods

Who decides what lives, what dies, based on more than the needs of some, but on what is best for the entire world so balance can be maintained? Who thinks they have the right to choose that some should flourish … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Vegetarianism

Here’s a quote from something I received today: Vegetarianism is a natural and obvious way to live with a minimum of hurt to other beings. Hindu scripture speaks clearly and forcefully on vegetarianism. The Yajur Veda (36.18. ve, p. 342) … Continue reading

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Feast During Famine

When Obiwan Kenobi felt the end of Alderaan it was as if a hole appeared and swallowed, to a man, the lifeforce of each precious soul existing ’til that time and twisted, perhaps frayed, the cord of which we form … Continue reading

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