Tag Archives: hypocrisy

Don’t Preach Me

Don’t preach me religion like there’s something you can prove; being good at treading water doesn’t mean you can move. Don’t preach me politics from the safety of the status quo; saying that you understand doesn’t mean that you know. … Continue reading

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Good Grief: rimas dissolutas

Good grief! What else did you expect? A world set suddenly to rights, some glibly promised golden dawn, rough places sanded down to plain, and milk and honey handed out to both devout and infidel? Instead, you got a fresh … Continue reading

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Call It Madness: mad song

You gawk and call it madness, a sickness that afflicts   the weak of mind,   the poor, the kind; by gods, you’re such a prick. You practice looking sideways, avoiding the fool’s eyes:   a damning mirror,   where you see clearer your … Continue reading

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The Great Lies: curtal sonnet

When all at once the world decides to fail, on such and such a day, when pundits claim to clearly see our leaders in the ooze of mad careening chaos, and then rail, without a single scrap or crumb of … Continue reading

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We conversate, but what’s the point of it when what we say results in nothing new? Instead of acts to reinforce our views we throw up walls of words, then simply quit, imagining ideas are enough to put the wheels … Continue reading

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Freedom of Speech

Americans talk loud and often of their right to speak: a pillar of democracy that gives voice to the weak as well as strong, in equal shares, so each may truly taste of freedom’s sweet, delicious fruit and none will … Continue reading

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The Smile That Sells

The smile that sells the message never writes it. The sweat under the spotlights is for show. The work it takes to make it all look easy few understand, and most will never know. The pain endured to make an … Continue reading

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