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- Thus fails poetryWhat can I show you in mere words requiring some shared frame, a reference we both use to describe a common ground only imagined that …
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- A Study In ContrastsPresented for your consideration, two parts of an otherwise normal weekend, filled with taxiing teenage daughters, reading online journals, laundry, pondering work (yes, I am …
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Tag Archives: feminine energy
She Saved Me: brag
If she don’t know it, it ain’t worth knowing; all my good ideas, she had when she was still growing; the movie of my life, she saw the preview showing; she was up winning my race before I started rowing. … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, brag, daily poems, feminine energy, gender, poetic forms, praise, relationship
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La Matri, La Filia, La Spirita Sancta
She lies hidden there beneath the surface, where waiting in silence she gives no sign; then all of a sudden, without warning, she comes, and just as soon is gone again. When the quiet mood of dawn has lifted and … Continue reading