Tag Archives: democracy

Single digit blues

I hope that I shall never see the poor in our democracy convinced to vote Republican believing they’ll become the one percent. I hope, but feel, alas, that both the elephant and ass are run by callous millionaires who each … Continue reading

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America is Still: an erasure exercise

America, as Whitman wrote, is fading low; her heartbeat, a sour note. Her voice blows sadness, and one can hear her weep. Her voice resonates inside the bones, reminding of truth, your own. Her war machines bustle songs of might. … Continue reading

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Blue Monday

I’ve never met a President, I doubt I ever will; In recent years, the only likely one for that was Bill. They never seem to be much like the people that I know: they have more money, that’s for sure, … Continue reading

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Moving to America

When right-wing zealots take control and change the living here, in bonfires roasting unfit souls with smoke that never clears, to forgo the auto-da-fe I’m sure will be required, where can a person choose to move and still remain inspired? … Continue reading

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What fools would try to wrest a nation’s fate

What fools would try to wrest a nation’s fate from tyranny imposed by those with wealth who presuppose as theirs the right to rule because none dare to meet them face-to-face, who in religion’s name defy what gods they claim … Continue reading

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Emergency Petition to Save the Courts

MoveOn.org has got a petition drive going that’s worth looking in to. I did, and here’s the message I sent to my Congresspeople: Checks and balances means when one branch of the government is conservative, another is by necessity liberal. … Continue reading

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Bipartisan Blues

The fascist right … the commie left … the accusations fly, with neither side, in truth, much worried ’bout the little guy; they do not represent him, even though that’s what they claim, ’cause behind all their rhetoric, they’re pretty … Continue reading

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