It is not enough

It is not enough;
this sad waiting to evolve
serves no real purpose.

What good is this time,
if we long for what is next
and learn nothing here?

It is not enough
to stand around here waiting
expecting great change.

What good are those dreams,
if no one can be inspired
to act upon them?

It is not enough
just to think and talk and wish;
there must be movement.

What use are mere thoughts?
They cannot motivate us
until they catch fire.

08 APR 2013

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Something’s Coming

I got a feeling things are gonna be all right;
just a feeling there is something in the air tonight:
something growing from the ground underneath my shoes,
something coming, gonna chase away these blues.
Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me;
let’s stick around a while.
Maybe we’ll see the light.

I got a feeling there’s a change coming on the wind;
just a feeling I get in my bones now and then:
something pushing, moving you and I along,
something there ain’t no sense fighting, something strong.
Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me;
let’s see what happens.
Curiosity ain’t no sin.

Nothing to prove and the rest of the night left to do it.
Nothing to lose if we try – might as well get to it.

I got a feeling everything’s gonna work on out;
just a feeling I might know what I’m talking about:
something putting down roots from my boots in the dirt,
something gonna lay one on ya, but it ain’t gonna hurt (well, not much);
Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me;
let’s stick around a while.
We can remove all doubt.

I got a feeling that tonight’s gonna be the night
Just a feeling ain’t no need to be uptight
Something growing, I know you can feel it too;
Something coming, gonna chase away these blues.
Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s me,
No matter what happens,
looks it’ll be all right.

Nothing to prove and the rest of the night left to do it.
Nothing to lose if we try – might as well get to it.

for Sondra Galyn

18 AUG 2011

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Even the moon is full with it; last night
she hung expectant, just showing past half
through her pregnancy, a pale shimmered light
that peeped through the clouds like a wobbling calf

between the legs of its watchful mother.
Under every leaf, too, eggs lie in wait,
and the scent of released pollen smothers
even exhaust and asphalt past the gate.

My own soul feels weighted down too, but calm,
hanging on each moment as it creeps by
letting it pass without regret, knowing that soon
So soon, the soft, healing and fragrant balm
of peace will overshadow the dawn sky
and I will hear the whispers of its tune.

09 MAY 2003

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