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Tag Archives: amphigory
The Last Word: amphigory
Both must belong to neither’s outside in; besides, it’s either up or down or spin. And anyway, what’s more is always less, and wears at Tuesday noon its Sunday best. What’s done is almost never cooked quite through, and makes … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, amphigory, daily poems, nonsense, nonsense verse, poetic forms, wit
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Overslept: an amphigory
Well, fiddle-dee and what’s the stuff of which I have had quite enough: the spring’s been spring, the fall has fell, the echo’s back from wishing’s well. Oh well a dell a dill a day Quite overdrawn, and … Continue reading
Untitled: an amphigory
She flung away rapscallion locks, two dozen rare embroidered socks of carded wool from royal flocks as priceless as the chicken pox for separating poofs from jocks and as her jaw was full of rocks said, “if good fortune comes, … Continue reading
Foolscap and Old Rice
Alas, my head is bruised and hurt My hands are filled with ash and dirt The fire has gone out in the sink And there is not enough to drink Perhaps the sun has lost its flare, But as for … Continue reading