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Tag Archives: acceptance
The World is Broken: skeltonics
The world is broken; Cassandras have spoken their tales of woe. Let teardrops flow; and as fear grows, watch kindness dry and those who try to counter lies with trust and truth lose friends and youth. As our illusions die, … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, acceptance, doomsday, games, illusion, John Skelton, poetic forms, Skeltonics, tumbling verse, war
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Like Nothing
There’s no thing quite like Nothing; and so much of it around. It fills the nooks and crannies and absorbs the smallest sounds, obsessed with taking over and with being something more. It wants to be the ocean’s deep, the … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged acceptance, existentialism, futility, illusion, Nothing, work
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No End of Days
The world has not yet made its final twirl around a sun still managing to burn; the seasons, although changed somewhat of late, continue with their ceaseless promenade. Both wise and foolish prattle on no end, with new results no … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged acceptance, apocalypse, blank verse, change, daily poems, fear, inevitability, promise
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Let go, let go, let go
Cast away your doubts and fears; let go, let go, let go. Leave behind all that you know; let go, let go, let go. Nothing left to tie you down, nothing blocking out your sound, nothing keeping you around; let … Continue reading
Posted in Songs
Tagged acceptance, clarity, destiny, epiphany, fear, inhibition, NaPoWriMo, struggle
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Winding Down: diminishing verse
Oh, that brave actions would outstrip my idle thoughts on this strange trip and rend this silence, letting rip against those fears none understand; and on that battleground, I’d stand secure in my convictions and well-knowing that I could suspend … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged acceptance, diminishing verse, fear, life, poetic forms, release, struggle
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Just Fine
Ain’t got no message I’m trying to get throughGot no agenda, and nothing to proveJust trying to breathe as the moment goes byWithout pretending I need to know why Ain’t got nowhere else I’m trying to goGot no expectations or … Continue reading
The Holy Fool’s Lament
My blood is thinned from summer’s passion; where I once could stand the chill of winter’s disposition, now I am unmanned by this untimely season; and the harvest I once sought I find now sells for such a price it … Continue reading