What Was It Garcia Said?

What was it that Garcia said?

“There’ll always be those in the crowd
that want the beat and nothing more”:
repetitive, and fast and loud,
so they can dance. No need for words.

Besides, a lyric can erect
a barrier that separates
those wanting something circumspect,
who are expecting something great,
from those who simply wish to move,
who see in music an escape:
as if mere motion served to prove
a journey made from place to place.

It doesn’t matter what you say.

What message you may seek to send
is lost in murmurs to the sway
of raging hormones, in the end;

and though at times the music seems
to change the world, it’s just pretend.

We don’t share the same dreams.

08 JUN 2006

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| June 8th, 2006 | Posted in Poems |

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