
La lutte elle-même vers les sommets suffit à remplir un coeur d’homme. Il faut imaginer Sisyphe heureux.

“The struggle to the top alone will make a human heart swell. Sisyphus must be regarded as happy.” — Albert Camus

Each has their Sisyphean task;
There is no lack of boulders
Blocking the upward climber’s path
That any attempts to move are
In vain. But that’s perhaps the point,
To build your strength on thoughtless rocks,
pitting your will against dull foes
that feel no pain and cannot bleed.

In that pointless struggle, you learn
the sad uselessness of brute force;
discovering an inner peace
by repeating, like a mantra,
trudging up and down the same hill.

24 AUG 2003

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