Roadside Attractions

If you see the Buddha by the roadside,
stop, and ask him how his day is going,
inquire if perhaps he might need a ride …
if you do not, there’s no way of knowing.

Give him a break, for a minute – don’t just
ask for yet another explanation,
without even smiling – you know, that must
make his a depressing situation.

After all, he’s here ’til we are all free –
judging by the state of things, a long time;
at night in his motel watching TV
does he shake his gold head and wonder why?

Of course, being beyond all the drama
helps; at least he’s not still just a lama…

(’cause nobody thinks they need hugs, either)

17 JUL 2003

But who cries for God? — Ramakrishna

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| July 17th, 2003 | Posted in Poems |

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