
Enough Crying Are Everywhere People: an acrostic

Population perpetrates
paranormal piecemeal
poppycock pollution pornography.
Posterior politics
police pollen poltergeists,
producing portable priest polygraphs
pushing Plato purity.

Extremist existential elephantiasis egos
elevate egrarian elation,
eclipsing elliptical ergonomic energy.
Exception ends ecclesiastical evolution,
exacerbating eternal eventide.

Alarmist action attitude arms adam atom
around antiquated asinine archaic anomaly and anarchy.
All above attempts are aggravated.

Cessation corporation cremates corporeal capital.
Crazies, cops, collegians, Cistercians, cliques corrupt congress.
Central common clarity, clouded, cannot continue.

Egalitary earth extends euphoric embraces,
ends exceptions.
Each edge evens,
establishes essential essence,
escapes escalating ethnocentric etiquette,
exists expansively.
Evil, ejected, exploded, expatriate,
ends everywhere.


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Making Your Own Road

Two roads converged in a yellow wood
(and neither of them looked too good),
one leading off to some small town,
and the other wandering all around
like a less-beaten path I think should.

This forced duality for life struck me
with the limits of its possibility;
if only two ways seem to lead
from each new spot, then ’tis indeed
not much a choice, it seemed to me.

For why an old path, not a new one
blazed through underbrush, for fun,
to see what else is in the world;
beyond the map-edge, torn and curled,
the journey’s often just begun.

And so I stepped off the concrete,
finding just grass under my feet,
and made a path from where I stood,
leaving both roads for that wood;
and the journey so far has been sweet.

19 FEB 2003

Exercise: take a line from an existing poem and write a new poem based on that line. The line I chose was from Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken.

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