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Tag Archives: William Shakespeare
Shakespeare in Love
The flame the muse ignites inside the artist, who would in service wish themselves consumed, their dreams the fuel that feeds this beauty’s fire – how bright are even sparks from this great pyre! Against such light what chance has … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged destruction, inspiration, love, movies, relationships, Shakespeare in Love, William Shakespeare
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Herding Cats: a gloss as a quintilla
The poets speak of love, and some in tangled words seem lost and mired; for each one that is awestruck dumb or struggles when the words won’t come, a dozen more seem uninspired, and speak of passion secondhand as if … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged A Midsummer Night's Dream, affectation, daily poems, gloss, love, misrepresentation, poetic forms, poetry, quintilla, William Shakespeare
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On the Tao
The Tao that can be seen is not the Tao, the obvious is never what it seems; and often, what connects the who to how is understood only by fools in dreams. Still, once in a great while, a glimpse … Continue reading