
In a post-truth world
the art of lying is lost;
no one’s good at it.
It takes imagination
and some creativity.

In a post truth world,
there’s no need for flattery;
why bother with it?
You can simply fake the facts
and seem like a real genius.

In a post truth world
no news isn’t just good news,
but it’s not real news.
What difference can it make
when no one is listening?

19 FEB 2025

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Our entire lifetime:
a short line drawn in water;
soon nothing remains.
It doesn’t matter what ink
or how much pressure you use.

What seems important
doesn’t leave an impression
in time’s vast ocean.
Each of us is a mirage;
Not even wetness is real.

17 FEB 2025

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The Lineage of Fog

Grasping our nothing
we try sharing everything;
we are all alone.
Wholeness disguises itself
in the mirror’s reflection.

We hold our nothing
like a vast, sacred treasure;
our fingers give out.
Beyond the edge of owning,
true experience begins.

22 JAN 2025

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Is the solution
so simple and black and white
that you can tweet it?
Weighing in with your two cents
isn’t risking your money.

Is the right answer
pitting our us against them
in a blind fool’s game?
No one wins a war of words
without caring how you score.

Is this the moment
when we prove how right we are,
simply counting coup
to display our bravery
in a virtual showdown?

Is the solution
shouting at our enemies
until they go deaf?
Just being the loudest noise
is a hollow victory.

19 DEC 2024

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When You Want

When you want to learn
don’t start with what you don’t know;
examine yourself.
Remember, your ignorance
begins at the beginning.

When you want to grow
don’t start seeking the sunshine.
Connect to the ground.
Until your roots are dirty,
you won’t need much chlorophyll.

When you want to love
don’t start with the external.
You won’t find much there
only the same emptiness
reflected in the mirror.

06 DEC 2024

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Without a Trace

Without gratitude
to season today’s living,
the soup of being
has little or no flavor.
Who would eat such a bland dish?

Without noticing
the beauty of this moment,
a colorless world
clothes our life in only gray.
Who would want such a sad view?

Without compassion
leaking from our open wounds,
life’s armor will rust,
making any movement stiff.
Who enjoys such a forced dance?

Without awareness
of the truth of emptiness,
we become so full
of our own self-importance.
Who finds joy so all alone?

27 NOV 2024

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There is no trying:
Either you are a Buddha
or you are not One.

Once past duality
there is no more “in training”;
linear time ends,

and everything is
connected as Everything.
There is nothing else.

Just you and the breath,
this moment right here and now:
being Bodhisattva.

22 AUG 2024

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