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- Sing the Song: georgicsFirst off, it always starts with breath. That sounds so simple, but in fact so many who would stretch their speech against set pitches set …
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Tag Archives: repetition
Sing Another Song
Sing another song: don’t make it too long, make sure it’s nice and strong so we all can sing along. Sing another one when the first one is done; we’ve only just begun having fun. Sing something that makes us … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged audiences, live music, popular music, repetition, singing, songs
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The Dead Room
I wonder why you come to hear the blues; there is no recognition in your face of any depth beneath the music’s steady pace, nor rhythm to the rare tap of your shoes. While those around you sway and nod … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged blues, catharsis, disappointment, live music, music, repetition
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