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Tag Archives: recycling
The New Idea: cywydd llosgyrnoch
A new idea finds the mind and digs itself a home behind what it finds still living there, rewiring lights and such to suit, requiring sometimes a reboot. Then it takes root, without care for walls and beams it wrests … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, birth, cywyyd llosgyrnoch, death, ideas, poetic forms, rebirth, recycling, Welsh verse forms
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Round Again: chanso
And so around again: the how, the where, the when; could be and might have been; the raven or the wren. The sword versus the pen: in battles now and then it’s hard to tell who wins; the line is … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, chanso, cycles, daily poems, energy, French verse forms, futility, infinity, patterns, poetic forms, recycling, reincarnation
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