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Tag Archives: poems
The Element Book of Mystical Verse
Covering the poetic ground, so to speak, from the Vedas through Stevie Smith, this is a book that I picked up on a discount rack at Barnes and Noble about a year ago. Recently, I dug it off the shelf, … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations
Tagged art, books, history, mysticism, poems, reviews, spirituality, The Element Book of Mystical Verse
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Poems that Changed my Life
UPDATED to include URLs for the poems (and man, that was a bit of work) Here’s my list of twenty or so (oh, how limiting), in no particular order. Poets, what are yours? 1. Howl, Allen Ginsberg 2. The Lovesong … Continue reading
A Poem is Different from a Song
A poem is different for me from a song One takes a single image and distills its essence, While the other takes a story and dissects its scenes; Each has as its focus a sole point of view, most times, … Continue reading