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Tag Archives: metamorphosis
Spare Change
There is no thing that doesn’t change: some change, but no one sees; some change a little, but no more; some change to great degrees. Some change and become something else; some change but look the same; some change because … Continue reading →
Posted in Poems
Tagged change, daily poems, dichotomy, evolution, growth, metamorphosis, NaPoWriMo, paradox
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Nesorna’s Monologue
I can not say I feel as if reborn — and yet, there is a newness about me, a cleanliness of spirit, that springs forth from a new source, unknown and without name. What words I choose can only dent … Continue reading →
Posted in Poems
Tagged iambic pentameter, independence, metamorphosis, monologue, plays, Trial of Nesorna
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There it is again: that ever so small motion of a random thought. It flits through my mind like a fragile butterfly. Melting in the hand, it leaves only dust that stains my clumsy fingers, and then, poof, is gone. … Continue reading →
The Parable of the Butterfly
We start so miniscule — no more than a speck of dust, smaller than the edge of a fingernail hidden in the shadow of a leaf, one nameless egg among thousands, soft, vulnerable and almost translucent; and as soon as … Continue reading →
What happens to the forming butterfly stuck fast inside its cage of flesh and bone when the long months and years go slowly by, and unlike its siblings, who have all grown wings and completely left those old cocoons behind, … Continue reading →
Finding the Inner Core
It is never quite what you expected (after all, there are no maps or guidebooks) in that place inside where resurrected illusions are hiding in each dark nook; What they taught you regarding self-knowledge (the meaning of a man, our … Continue reading →
Posted in Poems
Tagged daily poems, education, enlightenment, epiphany, learning, metamorphosis, sonnet
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