A Vignette

So, there I was … taking my 2:00 p.m. lunch break (I work from New Orleans on Pacific Coast Time). Here is the scenario:

I am sitting at a table under the carport that is covered with books, catalogs, flyers, etc. Bearing in mind that it IS 2:00 p.m., regardless there is a candle lit, and to that I add some Quan Yin incense. I am in my usual work uniform – jeans, t-shirt, birkenstocks. In my mouth is a cigarette. In one hand, a small green apple upon which I lunch. In the other hand, Jorge Luis Borges’ Collected Fictions. It is almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the humidity is about 97%. The sun is bright and there is no breeze. Above my head in the fluorescent shop light fixture, a family of wasps are coming and going, feeding I assume their young. Not a damn thing other than that is moving on the street or in the air. The house is also quiet – Starlight Dances is taking a short nap, and the Troll Queen (TQ) is off at school for at least another hour.

Just another few beautiful moments spent in what the TQ calls our “All Night Buddhist Pub”.
Ford’s in His Flivver, and all’s right with the world.

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