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Tag Archives: Mardi Gras
No Time Like Today: dithyramb
Oh, come and get your revel on: laissez bon temps roulez! Catch this moment before it’s gone, ’til sorrow’s back to dwell upon. Parade and dance across the lawn! There’s no time like today! Imagine yourself some great chief: laissez … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged #BookofForms, Carnival, dithyramb, jubilee, Mardi Gras, poetic forms, revelry, social status
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Mardi Gras Mumble
I never have been a big fan of loud, drunken crowds. Even when I am feeling loud and drunk, being surrounded by potentially out-of-control people gives me the willies. And this is the time of year in New Orleans when … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged aging, garbage, Mardi Gras, New Orleans, parades, rudeness, tourism
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Another Rainy Day
The gutters are filled and the streets overflowing The raindrops keep falling, the winds keep on blowing And just when it will stop, there’s no way of knowing So batten the hatches, and prepare for rowing The skies are dark … Continue reading