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- Why Not?: a ditOnce upon a time (which often means quite long ago, but could be only yesterday or even tomorrow) in some far place, there lived a …
- The Book of Forms (revisited, Round 3)If wondering I’m again creating daily poems using each poetry forms from #LewisTurco’s #BookofForms, 3rd Edition. Currently in the C’s. Share This:
- The Wider, More Ignorant WorldYour words can live forever cast out in the virtual plane. They truly are immortal now, and the internet’s to blame. No matter your intentions …
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Tag Archives: Lao Tzu
Watergate and Lao Tzu
I remember being 8 years old and watching every minute of the Watergate hearings on television. Watching the PBS special on the 30th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Innocence of the Republic, or rather, the Watergate scandal (which Kurt … Continue reading
Posted in Statements
Tagged democracy, governments, integrity, Kurt Vonnegut, Lao Tzu, Watergate
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Declaring Independence
Now, don’t get me wrong – declaring your independence, staking a visible claim for your emancipation, raising your individual voice to separate yourself from the faceless crowd, seeking to differentiate yourself from the chains of slavery of any kind by … Continue reading
Posted in Poems, Statements
Tagged activism, balance, brotherhood, governments, history, independence, Lao Tzu
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On the Tao
The Tao that can be seen is not the Tao, the obvious is never what it seems; and often, what connects the who to how is understood only by fools in dreams. Still, once in a great while, a glimpse … Continue reading