Baby Elephant, Walk!

When we are young, they begin to fit and clothe us in raiments for battle: the helmet of self-esteem; the breastplate of self-confidence; the shield of self-assurance; the sword of self-righteousness – before we understand the “self”, when what self we possess, if any at all, is like a baby elephant whose trainers fit its infant leg with a band of iron fixed to a chain and slender stake too strong for a young beast to pull from the ground.

As we grow old and that first armor rusts they clothe us in uniforms for endless toil: the cap of self-doubt; the coat of self-interest; the boots of self-loathing; the jewels of self-pity – and although our self has outgrown its plate and mail cage, like the elephant, tethered from childhood by that same narrow band and slender stake, who at their full grown prime could with a simple, small gesture easily pull their leg free from any bond, we quietly wait, and do the master’s bidding, not believing, not imagining, not even trying to escape.

09 JAN 2017

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One More Man

If I could never be the one
to make you smile like you say he may have done
Then why do you always seem to run
to me?

If I could never take his place
to bring that smile you lost back to your face
Then why do you always seem to race
here to me?

Maybe it’s just something that I’ll never understand
Maybe it’s your mystery that makes me give a damn
All that I can offer is to try the best I can
After all, I’m only one more man
who loves you.

If I could never be enough
to help you through when the times start getting tough
Then why do you always seem to need me
to back your your bluff?

If I could never understand
just what it takes to be your lover man
Then why do you always seem to stand
so close to me?

When you call me, what are you expecting me to say?
I will be your shoulder when you cry.
When you hold me close and whisper “what is there to do?”
What is it you want me to reply?

Maybe it’s just something that I’ll never understand
Maybe it’s your mystery that makes me give a damn
All that I can do for you is try the best I can
but after all, I’m only one more man
who loves you.

Just another hopeless, foolish man
who loves you.


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