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Tag Archives: healing
Let go, let go, let go
Cast your fears into the wind; let go, let go, let go. Release them and start again; let go, let go, let go. There is nothing out of reach, nothing that will fail to teach, nothing hidden in the speech; … Continue reading
In that brief instant
When surety retreats to shadows, tenuous and mewling like a frightened child that in the creeping dark sees monsters and in a fetal shivering ball refuses what assurance reason offers – in that time between the second hand’s slow grinding … Continue reading
Sleep on, new world — your time is yet to come; and in that pall of death, forget what was, what is, or merely seems, and build the future from your dreams. Sleep on, mankind, rebuild your strength; prostrate, laid … Continue reading
How many strange nights have I spent awake, only to move through the next whole day dull, like a somnambulist who heedless, takes mad walks through the world of dreams, softly lulled through some forgettable conversation by a bright chimera … Continue reading