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- A Blessing for the Road: a benison or blessingI’ve asked much from the universe, expecting, like a child, that forces outside my control, untamed, feral and wild, would take a hand, and mold …
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- Just Like ThatI wish to communicate. Alas, fate does not desire that we should speak today; instead it blocks our way with fire, which we perceive as …
- A Blessing for the Road: a benison or blessing
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Tag Archives: foolishness
Simpleton’s Tune: a balada
The simple truth? Who claims to know, except to judge how the wind blows first from the east, and then the west; and who’s to claim which way is best? To spend one’s time defining right, without the benefit of … Continue reading
Martyr Without a Cause
Waken, would-be martyrs seeking causes to in an instant devote life and limb, and cling half-drowned along the upturned raft of culture that leaking, seeks the bottom of the quay. The words that might be spoken now are silenced; upon … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged activism, causes, damnation, foolishness, martyrs, pointlessness, selfishness, service
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The Shallow Water
a poem in blank verse Again, the conversation turned to fate; and as the group was interested, to chance, the lines of battle drawn between the ones who thought the world predestined yet misshaped and those who found perfection or … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged blank verse, conversations, daily poems, destiny, fate, foolishness, plans, poetic forms
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Fool’s Gold
I have tried to live my life each moment, Let my imagination run its course; and sought for truth, to find it, not to own it, or make it fit my notions using force. But there are times when I … Continue reading
Old Pottage
While you still have your youth is the time to find out your version of the truth; as you age, fear and doubt can crack the careful clay of all your work and play. Then in a heaping pile of … Continue reading