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- At the bookstoreAt the bookstore yesterday two young punks with their parents came in as I was going out; they were festooned with spiky hair, spiked bracelets …
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Tag Archives: fear
The Blackout
The streets are filled with idle, itching hands, their owners on the prowl in vain pursuit of some pastime to fill the vacant hours in darkened rooms enswamped with summer heat. Without their cellphones, TV sets and games, and fast-food … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged chaos, daily poems, fear, hurricanes, New Orleans, power, storms, technology
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Against a Greater Evil Than the Dark
I do not fear what terror comes by night and would with malice trouble fitful sleep; such bugaboos may cause a moment’s fright, but fade in cowardice as daylight creeps. More brazen ne’er-do-wells parade by day, and mask their ill … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged charisma, coersion, commercialism, deceit, falseness, fear, hypocrisy, terrorism
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Thoughts on the 9/11 Report
Well, I have done it. Purchased the “official” 9/11 report. And read it through, at least at this time on a cursory level. I will re-read it in detail, of course. There are a few things that trouble me. They … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations, Statements
Tagged 9/11, 9/11 Commission, analysis, books, fear, GI Gurdijieff, governments, justice, partisanship, politics, terrorism
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Celsius 488.33
What is the point at which the conscience burns and thus consumes the mind with thoughts to act, that in its darkest recess for truth yearns to separate illusions from the facts? And the externals that provide the fuel, that … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged activism, coersion, collusion, cooperation, Fahrenheit 911, fear, ignorance, liberty
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No Surprise At All
She said that she was longing for the life that she once had The changes they were coming fast, and some of them were bad Said she could not believe it Maybe she was going mad And I saw just … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations, Poems, Statements
Tagged disappointment, fear, happiness, illusions, longing, memories, relationships, sorrow
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A Different Kind of Shore
When one looks out past the breaking waves at ocean’s end those across the sea seem much less remote connected by this expanse of constant movement. Away from the sea In a great endless valley, peering at the edge of … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged fear, knowledge, mystery, oceans, parables, shorelines, the unknown, travel
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