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Tag Archives: evil
Both Kinds of Good
It should be said (at least one time in jest) that in the world exist two kinds of good to separate what matters from the rest, for use by some discerning soul who could in keening the true nature of … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged balance, blame, daily poems, evil, good, hidden essence, nature, sonnet
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Divine Intervention: Blessing or Curse
For a while, it is comforting to think everything happens for a reason. But honestly, MOST people who lay that on as a platitude mean that it applies when bad things happen to YOU. Just like so many go around … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations
Tagged blessing, divine intervention, evil, good, religion, spirituality
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To Live Unveiled: an anagram
If there is evil in the world, some vile persistent force for ill that while we live pursues our souls in secret, behind beauty’s veil, I wonder at its silent spells. Because when all the world is still, when you … Continue reading
By Faith Alone
Religion is not the enemy; it is just a tool employed by those who would control and those who seek to rule by any means to make it seem as if this world is just a dream. It’s not great … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged coersion, ecumenics, evil, faith, power, religion, subjugation, tolerance
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Ambrose Bierce
Despite the bitterness that hits the tongue when you first taste his clever barbs of prose, and one’s initial gumption to suppose his wit just tiny pearls amidst some dung, there is in Bierce an underlying faith in humankind, despite … Continue reading
In my inbox this morning
(edited slightly for content and privacy) Hey: I like you train of thought. I was in church this christmas eve to see my little girl in a play. I heard the preacher talk about Jesus (you know the one from … Continue reading
Posted in Conversations
Tagged communication, deities, evil, good, organizations, proselytizing, religion, spirituality
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If they should tell you all the world is full of evil, and there’s nothing without sin, that life’s bitter extent is but a test to grind away transgression from the heart, the better to prepare your way elsewhere, or … Continue reading
Posted in Poems
Tagged communication, daily poems, evil, gossip, hearsay, ignorance, proselytizing, salvation, sonnet, spirituality, truth
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