My Reality

She’s no human interest story
torn from some eighteen point headline in the times;
she offers no redemption or salvation
to the readers of these lines,
like those miles that you fly over
as you run from one place to the next:
just as likely to get ridicule
as an ounce of understanding or respect.

But she is a friend of mine:
about half sinner and half saint;
and over the time we’ve shared
I can say I’ve no complaints.
Not trying to prove herself
to anyone, including me;
just living the best she can,
starring in my reality.

She’s not fodder for the tabloids,
the dark underbelly of some fallen star;
she offers no cash value or big prize,
no dream vacation or new car,
just a moment among millions
lost in the unending carnival of time:
just as likely to be overlooked
as noticed in the express grocery line.

But she is a friend of mine:
about half sour, the other sweet;
and in the balance that’s somehow struck,
I can say my life’s complete.
Not trying to change herself
for anyone, including me;
just living the best she can,
starring in my reality.

She’s no drama queen or actress
cast against type to improve a Nielson share;
she doesn’t seek the spotlight
or spend all her time imagining it’s there.
Just one more grown-up girl from Stonewall,
who’s been out beyond the dark edges of town
and found what makes life worth living:
growing through both up and down.

And she is a friend of mine:
about half crazy, and half sane;
that fits the way I am completely,
I have no reason to complain.
Not trying to prove her worth
to anyone, including me;
just being the one I want
starring in my reality.

27 NOV 2005

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