The world is suffering and pain
or so the Buddhists say
but with control of mind and flesh
for some, it goes away
Not for the tree, or rock or mouse
does this travail desist;
nay, ’tis for man, and man alone,
the top dog on the list
For man deserves a better fate
than to compete, and die;
and thus, all man’s misguided myths
are built upon a lie.
The lie is whispered in our cribs:
that this world is our toy,
and that each field of grass is less
than one grand girl or boy
And so we use, abuse and waste
our time upon this earth.
Instead of finding balance,
giving back, we make it worse.
How did we get here? And what for?
These questions, our tales say,
end in the right of human might
that does not see the play
of life and death in which we’re cast
where we believe our press
and act in spite of natural law
that teaches, more or less
That every thing that lives requires
the death of other things,
and in the end will make an end
of pawns, as well as kings
This suffering we dwell upon
disturbs us each, because
we think ourselves, mankind, exempt
from nature’s violent flaws.
And so, we ponder future states
where all is just and fair
instead of realizing that
we are already there.
This world was not conceived for man
to do with as he please;
his grand appearance made less ripple
than a passing breeze.
To think your kind has rights to more
than any other type
is just misguided myth, not fact.
Please, don’t believe the hype.
04 AUG 2004