
A Balmy Night in New Orleans

The moon is as full tonight as my heart;
it hangs low in the sky, brimming with light
that cascades in dimming circles that start
to lose their focus in the wet hot night.

Only half filled, and yet it seems so bright
and clear, despite the shrouding, cloying fog
that seeks to blur away the line of sight,
the soupy air laying like an old dog

panting, too worn out and winded to bark;
My heart, too, is tired, but satisfied
to sit under the carport in the dark

and ponder the world, beautiful and wide.
Half full? The rest lies in a shadow place,
and forms the smile that fills my face.

08 JUL 2003

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A Sangha of Two

The things that you love are a part of me,
each butterfly that brings a laughing smile;
Our community grows large because we
share every moment and each traveled mile.

I can touch you here and now, feel your lips
against mine, your scent on the morning breeze;
and if for brief times the world fades and slips
away in mist – I say, do as you please,

dear Maya, for there are two of us here,
beyond the veil of time. It matters not
whether our past lives brought us so near,
only the bliss this small moment has brought.
While we are on this precious, living path
Let us pause, and drink deep, and love to laugh.

08 JUL 2003

For Starlight Dances: life is suffering disappointment good bullshit not a noun.

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