For two days now non-stop the rain flows,
while the world waits patient for the sun;
and still the wind against the window blows.
No one is out at parades or picture shows;
In this dreadful weather, no Mardi Gras fun.
for two days now non-stop the rain flows.
It may make flowers and plants quickly grow,
but down the streets and ‘cross the lawns it runs;
and still the wind against the window blows.
The weathermen make statements, but who knows
how long these raging squalls last, once begun;
for two now days non-stop the rain flows.
The parks and playgrounds, soaked, are forced to close,
and outdoor games the children must all shun;
and still, the wind against the window blows.
We huddle to stay warm and dry in winter clothes,
and to stay content, not lose reason;
for two days now non-stop the rain flows,
and still the wind against the window blows.
22 FEB 2003